I have the following function written in C#
public static string GetNominativeDeclension(string surnameNamePatronimic)
if(surnameNamePatronimic == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("surnameNamePatronimic");
IntPtr[] ptrs = null;
ptrs = StringsToIntPtrArray(surnameNamePatronimic);
int resultLen = MaxResultBufSize;
int err = decGetNominativePadeg(ptrs[0], ptrs[1], ref resultLen);
return IntPtrToString(ptrs, resultLen);
return surnameNamePatronimic;
Function decGetNominativePadeg is in unmanaged dll
[DllImport("Padeg.dll", EntryPoint = "GetNominativePadeg")]
private static extern Int32 decGetNominativePadeg(IntPtr surnameNamePatronimic,
IntPtr result, ref Int32 resultLength);
and throws an exception:
Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt
The catch that is in C# code doesn't actually catch it. Why? How to handle this exception?
Thank you for your help!
"The CLR no longer delivers exceptions for corrupted process state to exception handlers in managed code."
.NET Framework 4 Migration Issues.
Just add this to the config file: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd638517.aspx