how to basically extract file with sevenzipsharp

Haydar ŞAHİN picture Haydar ŞAHİN · Jan 31, 2015 · Viewed 8.6k times · Source

I will extract files to usb from iso file with sevenzipsharp. For this, I download sevenzipsharp from vs nuget package manager and I coded (actually I couldn't :) ) this code . I dont take any error but It isnt working. Where do I make mistakes? Please write details.

if (IntPtr.Size == 8) //x64
    SevenZip.SevenZipExtractor.SetLibraryPath(@"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.dll");
else //x86
    SevenZip.SevenZipCompressor.SetLibraryPath(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7z.dll");
using (var file = new SevenZipExtractor(sourcePath))

Thank you in advance


tomsv picture tomsv · Jun 18, 2015

For x86 you are doing SevenZip.SevenZipCompressor.SetLibraryPath where you probably meant to do SevenZip.SevenZipExtractor.SetLibraryPath.