It seems like 'select count(*) from c' in the SQL queries allowed by documentdb in the azure site and through the documentdb explorer ( is not supported. To date, the only way to get a record count that I have found is from code (see below). However, there are enough files in our collection now that this is crashing. Is there a way to get a count on how many documents in a collection that works more than my solution?
DocumentClient dc = GetDocumentDbClient();
var databaseCount = dc.CreateDatabaseQuery().ToList();
Database azureDb = dc.CreateDatabaseQuery().Where(d => d.Id == Constants.WEATHER_UPDATES_DB_NAME).ToArray().FirstOrDefault();
var collectionCount = dc.CreateDocumentCollectionQuery(azureDb.SelfLink).ToList();
DocumentCollection update = dc.CreateDocumentCollectionQuery(azureDb.SelfLink).Where(c => c.Id == "WeatherUpdates").ToArray().FirstOrDefault();
var documentCount = dc.CreateDocumentQuery(update.SelfLink, "SELECT * FROM c").ToList();
MessageBox.Show("Databases: " + databaseCount.Count().ToString() + Environment.NewLine
+"Collections: " + collectionCount.Count().ToString() + Environment.NewLine
+ "Documents: " + documentCount.Count().ToString() + Environment.NewLine,
"Totals", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel);
This is now possible in the year 2017 of our lord.
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