I am getting the following Exception at ProcessImage(bitmap1, bitmap2)
Unsupported Pixel Format of source or template image
and this is my code:
public static double FindComparisonRatioBetweenImages(
System.Drawing.Image one, System.Drawing.Image two)
Bitmap bitmap1 = new Bitmap(one);
Bitmap bitmap2 = new Bitmap(two);
ExhaustiveTemplateMatching tm = new ExhaustiveTemplateMatching(0);
TemplateMatch[] matchings = null;
matchings = tm.ProcessImage(bitmap1, bitmap2); // Exception occurs here!
return matchings[0].Similarity;
I have also passed managedImage
from the below code into the method, but it still gives error:
UnmanagedImage unmanagedImageA = UnmanagedImage.FromManagedImage(bitmap1);
Bitmap managedImageA = unmanagedImageA.ToManagedImage();
UnmanagedImage unmanagedImageB = UnmanagedImage.FromManagedImage(bitmap2);
Bitmap managedImageB = unmanagedImageB.ToManagedImage();
Try ExhaustiveTemplateMatching
The class implements exhaustive template matching algorithm, which performs complete scan of source image, comparing each pixel with corresponding pixel of template.
The class processes only grayscale 8 bpp and color 24 bpp images.
So, those are the image formats you must use.
As requested, to convert to a specific pixel format, you can do this:
public static Bitmap ConvertToFormat(this Image image, PixelFormat format)
Bitmap copy = new Bitmap(image.Width, image.Height, format);
using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(copy))
gr.DrawImage(image, new Rectangle(0, 0, copy.Width, copy.Height));
return copy;
The one you would use is System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb