I am enumerating installed applications using WMI, and this block is taking a relatively long time to complete no matter how I structure it. It takes 13 seconds in my environment every time. Is there a better (faster) way to check if a program is installed? (I'm using iTunes as an example program to check for)
private static string Timestamp
get { return DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.ffff"); }
private static void LoadInstalledPrograms()
List<string> installedPrograms = new List<string>();
Console.WriteLine("0 - {0}", Timestamp);
ManagementObjectSearcher mos = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_Product");
Console.WriteLine("1 - {0}", Timestamp);
ManagementObjectCollection managementObjectCollection = mos.Get();
Console.WriteLine("2 - {0}", Timestamp);
foreach (ManagementObject mo in managementObjectCollection)
Console.WriteLine("3 - {0}", Timestamp);
Console.WriteLine("Length - {0}", installedPrograms.Count);
SELECT * FROM Win32_Product
0 - 08:08:51.3762
1 - 08:08:51.3942
2 - 08:08:51.4012
3 - 08:09:04.8326
Length - 300
SELECT * FROM Win32_Product WHERE name = 'iTunes'
0 - 08:14:17.6529
1 - 08:14:17.6709
2 - 08:14:17.6779
3 - 08:14:31.0332
Length - 1
SELECT * FROM Win32_Product WHERE name LIKE 'iTunes'
0 - 08:16:38.2719
1 - 08:16:38.2899
2 - 08:16:38.2999
3 - 08:16:51.5113
Length - 1
SELECT name FROM Win32_Product WHERE name LIKE 'iTunes'
0 - 08:19:53.9144
1 - 08:19:53.9324
2 - 08:19:53.9394
3 - 08:20:07.2794
Length - 1
If you query "Win32_product" the msi-installer checks and validates every product.
The KB article http://support.microsoft.com/kb/974524 shows:
Win32_product Class is not query optimized. Queries such as “select * from Win32_Product where (name like 'Sniffer%')” require WMI to use the MSI provider to enumerate all of the installed products and then parse the full list sequentially to handle the “where” clause. This process also initiates a consistency check of packages installed, verifying and repairing the install. With an account with only user privileges, as the user account may not have access to quite a few locations, may cause delay in application launch and an event 11708 stating an installation failure.
Win32reg_AddRemovePrograms is a much lighter and effective way to do this, which avoids the calls to do a resiliency check, especially in a locked down environment. So when using Win32reg_AddRemovePrograms we will not be calling on msiprov.dll and will not be initiating a resiliency check.
So be careful with "Win32_product".
Update: nice article https://sdmsoftware.com/group-policy-blog/wmi/why-win32_product-is-bad-news/