I would like to pack bool array with max length 8 in one byte, send it over network and then unpack it back to bool array. Tried some solutions here already but it didn't work. I'm using Mono.
I made BitArray and then tried to convert it in byte
public static byte[] BitArrayToByteArray(BitArray bits)
byte[] ret = new byte[Math.Max(1, bits.Length / 8)];
bits.CopyTo(ret, 0);
return ret;
but I'm getting errors telling only int and long type can be used. Tried int instead of byte but same problem. I would like to avoid BitArray and use simple conversion from bool array to byte if possible
Here's how I would implement this.
To convert the bool[]
to a byte
private static byte ConvertBoolArrayToByte(bool[] source)
byte result = 0;
// This assumes the array never contains more than 8 elements!
int index = 8 - source.Length;
// Loop through the array
foreach (bool b in source)
// if the element is 'true' set the bit at that position
if (b)
result |= (byte)(1 << (7 - index));
return result;
To convert a byte to an array of bools with length 8:
private static bool[] ConvertByteToBoolArray(byte b)
// prepare the return result
bool[] result = new bool[8];
// check each bit in the byte. if 1 set to true, if 0 set to false
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
result[i] = (b & (1 << i)) == 0 ? false : true;
// reverse the array
return result;