How to create CSV Excel file C#?

Chris picture Chris · Mar 11, 2010 · Viewed 174.9k times · Source

I'm looking for a class for creating CSV Excel files.

Expected features:

  • Extremely simple to use
  • Escapes commas and quotes so excel handles them fine
  • Exports date and datetimes in timezone-proof format

Do you know any class capable of this?


coder net picture coder net · Aug 9, 2011

Slightly different version I wrote using reflection for my needs. I had to export a list of objects to csv. In case someone wants to use it for future.

public class CsvExport<T> where T: class
        public List<T> Objects;

        public CsvExport(List<T> objects)
            Objects = objects;

        public string Export()
            return Export(true);

        public string Export(bool includeHeaderLine)

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            //Get properties using reflection.
            IList<PropertyInfo> propertyInfos = typeof(T).GetProperties();

            if (includeHeaderLine)
                //add header line.
                foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in propertyInfos)
                sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1).AppendLine();

            //add value for each property.
            foreach (T obj in Objects)
                foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in propertyInfos)
                    sb.Append(MakeValueCsvFriendly(propertyInfo.GetValue(obj, null))).Append(",");
                sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1).AppendLine();

            return sb.ToString();

        //export to a file.
        public void ExportToFile(string path)
            File.WriteAllText(path, Export());

        //export as binary data.
        public byte[] ExportToBytes()
            return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Export());

        //get the csv value for field.
        private string MakeValueCsvFriendly(object value)
            if (value == null) return "";
            if (value is Nullable && ((INullable)value).IsNull) return "";

            if (value is DateTime)
                if (((DateTime)value).TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds == 0)
                    return ((DateTime)value).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                return ((DateTime)value).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
            string output = value.ToString();

            if (output.Contains(",") || output.Contains("\""))
                output = '"' + output.Replace("\"", "\"\"") + '"';

            return output;


Usage sample : (updated per comment)

CsvExport<BusinessObject> csv= new CsvExport<BusinessObject>(GetBusinessObjectList());