I have a list of anonymous type
var myList = db.Products.Select(a => new {a.ProductName, a.ProductId,
And I want to add an other item to this list like
myList.Insert(0, new { "--All--", 0, 0}); //Error: Has some invalid arguments
I also tried
myList.Add(new { "--All--", 0, 0}); //Error: Has some invalid arguments
How can I do that?
I did this after first answer
var packageList = db.Products.Select(a => new {
a.ProductName, a.ProductId, a.Priority }).ToList();
packageList.Insert(0, new { ProductName = "All", ProductId = 0, Priority = 0 });
but same error again.
You should specify property names of anonymous object you create:
myList.Insert(0, new { ProductName = "--All--", ProductId = 0, Priority = 0});
Keep in mind - you should list all properties of anonymous type (names should be same), they should be used in same order, and they should have exactly same types. Otherwise object of different anonymous type will be created.