I'm looking for a way with C# which I can serialize a class into XML and add a namespace, but define the prefix which that namespace will use.
Ultimately I'm trying to generate the following XML:
<myNamespace:Node xmlns:myNamespace="...">
<childNode>something in here</childNode>
I know with both the DataContractSerializer
and the XmlSerializer
I can add a namespace, but they seem to generate a prefix internally, with something that I'm not able to control. Am I able to control it with either of these serializers (I can use either of them)?
If I'm not able to control the generation of the namespaces will I need to write my own XML serializer, and if so, what's the best one to write it for?
To control the namespace alias, use XmlSerializerNamespaces
[XmlRoot("Node", Namespace="http://flibble")]
public class MyType {
public string Value { get; set; }
static class Program
static void Main()
XmlSerializerNamespaces ns = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
ns.Add("myNamespace", "http://flibble");
XmlSerializer xser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MyType));
xser.Serialize(Console.Out, new MyType(), ns);
If you need to change the namespace at runtime, you can additionally use XmlAttributeOverrides