Code after yield return is executed

helb picture helb · Feb 27, 2014 · Viewed 7k times · Source

Consider the following example:

class YieldTest
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var res = Create(new string[] { "1 12 123", "1234", "12345" });

    static IEnumerable<int> Create(IEnumerable<string> strings)
        foreach(string s in strings)
            yield return s.Length;
            if(s.Contains(' '))
                string[] tokens = s.Split(' ');
                foreach(string t in tokens)
                    yield return t.Length;

The call to Create returns {8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}.

What really confuses me is that the code after the yield return statement is executed. (Why would they name it yield return and not just yield ??) The documentation tells us

When a yield return statement is reached in the iterator method, expression is returned, and the current location in code is retained.

What does that mean? Where does a return occur? What is an iterator method?


dcastro picture dcastro · Feb 27, 2014

It means your code is transformed into a state machine by the compiler.

When you call Create method, you'll get an IEnumerable<T>. You can then call GetEnumerator() on it and obtain an IEnumerator<T>.

Now, every time you call MoveNext on this iterator, your code will execute until it finds the first yield statement (whether it be yield return or yield break).

If it hits a yield return x, MoveNext returns true and the iterator's Current property will be set to x, and the rest of the code will be executed the next time you call MoveNext.

This happens until either there's no more code to run or the code hits a yield break. At that point, MoveNext will return false.

yield return 1;
yield return 2;
yield return 3;

Calling MoveNext on this piece of code will return true the first three times, and at each iteration, Current will be set to 1, 2 and 3.

Edit 2:

Regarding the yield return ?? syntax, from Eric Lippert's Ambiguous Optional Parentheses, Part Three

When they designed C# 2.0 they had this problem:


Does that mean "yield x in an iterator" or "call the yield method with argument x?" By changing it to

yield return(x);

it is now unambiguous; it cannot possibly mean "call the yield method".