Intercepting an exception inside IDisposable.Dispose

James Newton-King picture James Newton-King · Oct 21, 2008 · Viewed 13.3k times · Source

In the IDisposable.Dispose method is there a way to figure out if an exception is being thrown?

using (MyWrapper wrapper = new MyWrapper())
    throw new Exception("Bad error.");

If an exception is thrown in the using statement I want to know about it when the IDisposable object is disposed.


Kelqualyn picture Kelqualyn · Jan 14, 2013

You can extend IDisposable with method Complete and use pattern like that:

using (MyWrapper wrapper = new MyWrapper())
    throw new Exception("Bad error.");

If an exception is thrown inside the using statement Complete will not be called before Dispose.

If you want to know what exact exception is thrown, then subscribe on AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FirstChanceException event and store last thrown exception in ThreadLocal<Exception> variable.

Such pattern implemented in TransactionScope class.