I'm testing the InteractiveConsole example in Unity. I did some configurations as described in the official tutorial. After some setups I got on step 7: Run our example code.
However, I'm receiving the following errors:
Unable to verify assembly data; you must provide an authorization key when loading this assembly. UnityEngine.Security:LoadAndVerifyAssembly(Byte[]) c__Iterator1:MoveNext() (at Assets/Facebook/Scripts/FB.cs:326)
Could not securely load assembly from https://integrated-plugin-canvas-rsrc.fbsbx.com/rsrc/unity/lib/sdk_4.0/CanvasFacebook.dll UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) FbDebug:Error(String) c__Iterator1:MoveNext() (at Assets/Facebook/Scripts/FB.cs:329)
Not sure what to do. Any ideas?
Instead of change the call to LoadAndVerifyAssembly as @BrianJew suggests, you simply can change the line 381 of FB.cs, where it says
#if UNITY_4_5
you should put
#if UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6
Or the appropiate flag for your Unity's version. In that block the key is obtained from this URL https://integrated-plugin-canvas-rsrc.fbsbx.com/rsrc/unity/key/sdk_5.1/AuthToken.unityhash