I need to write a method like below to return a text document (.txt, pdf, .doc, .docx etc) While there are good examples of posting file in Web API 2.0 on the web , I couldn't find a relevant one for just downloading one. (I know how to do it in HttpResponseMessage.)
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> GetFileAsync(int FileId)
//just returning file part (no other logic needed)
Does the above needs to be async at all? I am only looking to return stream. (Is that okay?)
More importantly before I end up doing the job one way or the otther, I wanted to know what's the "right" way of doing this sort of job... (so approaches and techniques mentioning this would be greatly appreciated).. thanks.
Right, for your above scenario the action does not need to return an async action result. Here I am creating a custom IHttpActionResult. You can check my comments in the below code here.
public IHttpActionResult GetFileAsync(int fileId)
// NOTE: If there was any other 'async' stuff here, then you would need to return
// a Task<IHttpActionResult>, but for this simple case you need not.
return new FileActionResult(fileId);
public class FileActionResult : IHttpActionResult
public FileActionResult(int fileId)
this.FileId = fileId;
public int FileId { get; private set; }
public Task<HttpResponseMessage> ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage();
response.Content = new StreamContent(File.OpenRead(@"<base path>" + FileId));
response.Content.Headers.ContentDisposition = new ContentDispositionHeaderValue("attachment");
// NOTE: Here I am just setting the result on the Task and not really doing any async stuff.
// But let's say you do stuff like contacting a File hosting service to get the file, then you would do 'async' stuff here.
return Task.FromResult(response);