I've found scatterings around the web but no concise answer. Everyone talks about developing BLE for Android and iOS, but how does one develop for Windows in C# (.NET)?
I've tried the C# example, but I don't have any devices with health profiles (and I don't know how to set searching for a generic device). I did try modifying the code but it didn't help
I have a sensor tag and also a generic BLE HM-10 module useful for arduino projects. My iPhone can find both of these devices using the SensorTag application or LightBlue.
I also found this http://orcs.sebsoft.com/openvision/index.php/8-vision/37-how-to-acquire-data-by-c-from-bluetooth-4-bluetooth-low-energy-ti-ble-keyfob-ti-sensor-tag
I tried starting it up and scanning, but it didn't find any BLE devices. I don't even know if what I'm doing it right.
I have a BT 4.0 USB dongle.
How on earth do I detect a bluetooth device?
Here is a two-part blog post about enumerating and configuring BLE devices in Windows 8.1.
After reading this, the documentation on MSDN seemed to make a lot more sense.