How does HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name know which usernames exist?

Srb1313711 picture Srb1313711 · Jan 14, 2014 · Viewed 125.3k times · Source

This is not necessarily an issue, I am just curious as to how it works. I have a method:

public static bool UserIsAuthenticated()
    bool isAuthed = false;
        if (HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name != null)
            if (HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name.Length != 0)
                FormsIdentity id = (FormsIdentity)HttpContext.Current.User.Identity;
                FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = id.Ticket;
                isAuthed = true;
                string MyUserData = ticket.UserData;
    catch { } // not authed
    return isAuthed;

The HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name returns null if the user does not exist, but how does it know which usernames exist or do not exist?


Anwar Ul-Haq picture Anwar Ul-Haq · Jan 20, 2015

For windows authentication

select your project.

Press F4

Disable "Anonymous Authentication" and enable "Windows Authentication"

enter image description here