ASP.NET Identity, require 'strong' passwords

ledgeJumper picture ledgeJumper · Jan 6, 2014 · Viewed 23.1k times · Source

Perhaps my googlin' skills are not so great this morning, but I can't seem to find how to set up different password requirements (rather than min/max length) with a new mvc5 project using individual user accounts.

[StringLength(100, ErrorMessage = "The {0} must be at least {2} characters long.", MinimumLength = 6)]
[Display(Name = "Password")]
public string Password { get; set; }

I don't know what password requirements I want to do just yet, but likely a combination of min length and requiring one lowercase, on capital letter, and a number.

Any idea how I can accomplish this (via model attributes preferably)?


Sergei Shvets picture Sergei Shvets · Jul 31, 2014

You can configure password requirements in App_Start\IdentityConfig.cs

// Configure validation logic for passwords
manager.PasswordValidator = new PasswordValidator
    RequiredLength = 4,
    RequireNonLetterOrDigit = false,
    RequireDigit = false,
    RequireLowercase = false,
    RequireUppercase = false,