Using Asp.Net Identity DataBase first approach

GibboK picture GibboK · Dec 18, 2013 · Viewed 90.6k times · Source

I need to integrate Asp.Net latest MVC version with an existing database which has an additional column String Address to table dbo.AspNetUsers

I need to create an instance ApplicationUser which has property Address.

Any idea how to do it?


GibboK picture GibboK · Dec 18, 2013

A possible solution which works for me, basically I am able to integrate Asp.Net Identity User Profiles with an existing Database.

Getting the Asp.Identity Tables:

  • Create an MVC Project with Authentication Individual User Account
  • Open the DB listed under the DefaultConnection in Web.config. It will be called (aspnet-[timestamp] or something like that.)
  • Script the database tables using SQL Server Management Studio (attach database for mdc).

Alternatively use something like

Integrating with your existing db:

  • Insert the scripted tables into existing database in SQL Server Management Studio.
  • Customize and add relationships to ApplicationUser (if necessary).
  • Create new Web Project > MVC > DB First Project > Import DB with EF ... .
  • In IdentityModels.cs change the ApplicationDbContext :base("DefaltConnection") to use your project's DbContext.

Now you have the Asp.Identity Tables in your db with ER model in your application.

Asp.Identity Profile Adding new properties:

  • Enable Entity Framework Code First Database Migrations, just in VS go under Tools ‘Package Manager Console’,
  • Execute the command “Enable-Migrations”; Once we enabled the database migrations, we can go ahead and add new properties for our UserProfile

  • To Add new properties modify IdentityModels.cs file, example:

public class ApplicationUser : IdentityUser
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string EmailID { get; set; }

Add New Migration

  • Once we added the properties, bring the Package Manager Console and execute the following command.

    Add-Migration “YouMigrationName”

This command will generate a database script file, now execute following command to run this script file against the database.


Now, all the new properties will turn into table fields in the same database table.

I hope it can help others, if you have a better idea please let me know.