I am using Specflow in C# to build automatic client side browser testing with Selenium.
The goal of these tests is to simulate the business scenario where a client enters our website in specific pages, and then he is directed to the right page.
I Want to use parameters inside a Scenario Context, for example:
When I visit url
| base | page | parameter1 | parameter2 |
| http://www.stackoverflow.com | questions | <questionNumber> | <questionName> |
Then browser contains test <questionNumber>
| <questionNumber> | <questionName> |
| 123 | specflow-q1 |
| 456 | specflow-q2 |
| 789 | specflow-q3 |
Note: step "When I visit url" takes base+page+parameter1+parameter2, creates url "base/page/parameter1/parameter2" and goes to this URL.
The problem is that the input table in step "I visit url", is passing the text as-is, without modifying to the equivilent in the Examples section.
It means that the table that the above syntax builds has a row with data the parameter names:
http://www.stackoverflow.com, questions, questionNumber, questionName
Instead of using their value:
http://www.stackoverflow.com, questions, 123 ,specflow-q1
Do you know how can I use it correctly?
It is not possible to mix data tables and scenario outlines. Instead I'd rewrite your scenario as follows:
When I visit the URL <base>/<page>/<questionNumber>/<questionName>
Then the browser contains test <questionNumber>
| base | page | questionNumber | questionName |
| http://www.stackoverflow.com | questions | 123 | specflow-q1 |
| http://www.stackoverflow.com | questions | 456 | specflow-q2 |
| http://www.stackoverflow.com | questions | 789 | specflow-q3 |
Inside the "When I visit the URL" step definition you'd construct the URL from the passed-in table parameter (which is what you are doing currently).
Whilst "base" and "question" values are repeated in the "Examples" section, it is clear to see what exactly is being tested. A non-technical user (e.g. business user) will also be able to easily understand what this test is trying to achieve too.