OWIN Startup Class Missing

Krunal Patil picture Krunal Patil · Nov 19, 2013 · Viewed 265.5k times · Source

I'm getting this error as my project is not able to find the reference for OWIN startup class. I've even installed all the OWIN reference packages through Nuget still getting the same issue. I'm using Visual Studio 2012 and MVC4.

The following errors occurred while attempting to load the app.

  • No assembly found containing an OwinStartupAttribute.
  • No assembly found containing a Startup or [AssemblyName].Startup class. To disable OWIN startup discovery, add the appSetting owin:AutomaticAppStartup with a value of "false" in your web.config. To specify the OWIN startup Assembly, Class, or Method, add the appSetting owin:AppStartup with the fully qualified startup class or configuration method name in your web.config.


cracker picture cracker · Nov 19, 2013

Create One Class With Name Startup this will help you..

public class Startup
   public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)