Smart card reader development with .Net technologies

iJay picture iJay · Nov 8, 2013 · Viewed 14.2k times · Source

Does anyone know how to monitor the presence of smart card and read the UID value of the card?

Yes I tried lot of examples in web like

A Smart Card Framework for .NET


Monitoring a Smartcard Reader

But No idea how to do it. I can detect the presence of a card and can get the UID separately, but no idea how to combine them in my application:( .

Help me


iJay picture iJay · Jul 25, 2014

I figure it out. thought to share with anyone interested.

I used winscard.dll functions to access card data and communicate with PC.

Note that I used Mifare 1K cards as NFC tag and reader ACR 122u.

    private string getcardUID()//only for mifare 1k cards
        string cardUID = "";
        byte[] receivedUID = new byte[256];
        Card.SCARD_IO_REQUEST request = new Card.SCARD_IO_REQUEST();
        request.dwProtocol = Card.SCARD_PROTOCOL_T1;
        request.cbPciLength = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Card.SCARD_IO_REQUEST));
        byte[] sendBytes = new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xCA, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; //get UID command      for Mifare cards
        int outBytes = receivedUID.Length;
        int status = Card.SCardTransmit(hCard, ref request, ref sendBytes[0], sendBytes.Length, ref request, ref receivedUID[0], ref outBytes);

        if (status != Card.SCARD_S_SUCCESS)
            cardUID = "Error";
            cardUID = BitConverter.ToString(receivedUID.Take(4).ToArray()).Replace("-", string.Empty).ToLower();

        return cardUID;

For anyone interested I've written step by step guide to achieve this in here.

Simple NFC reading system for windows
