How to Line Break or new line in XAML

Rizwan Qureshi picture Rizwan Qureshi · Oct 15, 2013 · Viewed 31.6k times · Source

I am having hard time to match Special characters set in XAML. I only on the following:

To represent a LineBreak in XAML hyperlink button:

use : > lineBreak <

But What do I use to represent a New Line or LineBreak In XAML hyperlink button??

Example : I want this one line mag : This is line one. This is line two

into this :

This is line one. This is line two.

it seems this \r\n is not working. This is line one \r\n


Chris W. picture Chris W. · Oct 15, 2013

You've got options. For example;

<HyperlinkButton Content="Line One&#10;Line Two"/>


      <Run Text="Line 1"/><LineBreak/><Run Text="Line 2"/>

Hope this helps.

Addendum: You can do this stuff in basically anything. WPF, Silverlight, UWP, whatever. It's not WP specific.