How to manage files on an MTP Portable Device?

xChris6041x picture xChris6041x · Aug 29, 2013 · Viewed 16.2k times · Source

I have been researching this topic for days and I can't find anything on managing files on a MTP Portable Device (More specifically a Galaxy S4).

I want to be able to...

  • Copy files from the PC to the MTP Device
  • Copy files from the MTP Device to the PC
  • Delete files from the MTP Device

I really want to copy MP3 files but if there is a general way to copy over and file supported by MTP that would be awesome. I've looked into the Window Portable Device API but I couldn't find anywhere where there is sample code in C#.

Any blogs, sample code, and files would be very helpful. Thanks! :)


ZackOfAllTrades picture ZackOfAllTrades · Mar 1, 2020

I used a nugetpackage called MediaDevices

this made it very easy for me to copy my photos from my android phone to my computer.

 public class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var devices = MediaDevice.GetDevices();
        using (var device = devices.First(d => d.FriendlyName == "Galaxy Note8"))
            var photoDir = device.GetDirectoryInfo(@"\Phone\DCIM\Camera");

            var files = photoDir.EnumerateFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

            foreach (var file in files)
                MemoryStream memoryStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
                device.DownloadFile(file.FullName, memoryStream);
                memoryStream.Position = 0;
                WriteSreamToDisk($@"D:\PHOTOS\{file.Name}", memoryStream);


    static void WriteSreamToDisk(string filePath, MemoryStream memoryStream)
        using (FileStream file = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create, System.IO.FileAccess.Write))
            byte[] bytes = new byte[memoryStream.Length];
            memoryStream.Read(bytes, 0, (int)memoryStream.Length);
            file.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);