C# XML /// Comments, where does <returns></returns> tag show up?

Alex picture Alex · Dec 4, 2009 · Viewed 15.7k times · Source

I am currently a programming student, and obviously my question is simple, but I haven't been able to find the answer to it online. So here it is:

In XML /// comments in C#, where does the <returns> tag show up, I know that everything contained in the <summary> tag shows up in intellisense when you hover your mouse over your method call, but not the returns tag.

So where does the <returns> tag come in?



A9S6 picture A9S6 · Dec 4, 2009

When you see the method in View >> Object Browser

For e.g. you will see something like this:

private int GetColumnIndex(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet worksheet, string columnName, int rowIndex, int startColumnIndex)
    Member of MyAddIn.CommandHandlers.CommandHandler

Returns the column index with specified name and in specified row

worksheet: Target worksheet
columnName: Column name to find
rowIndex: Row index in which to search the column
startColumnIndex: Start index of the column

The index of column if found, else returns 0