I have been generating charts using MSChart for some time now, but I have never created multiple charts within one chart object. Thinking about this task has revealed a gap in my knowledge.
How I think about creating a chart
The object structure ends up looking like this
/ \
ChartArea Series
As far as I have been concerned in the past, ChartArea is simply the area I set up the labels and that sort of thing. To add another, I will be wanting to add another ChartArea and one or more series.
___________________ Chart ___________________
/ / \ \
ChartArea0 ChartArea1 Series0 Series1
How do I associate Series0 to ChartArea0? It would make sense to add a Series to a ChartArea, but that is not possible. For what reason is it beneficial to associate a Series with a Chart, rather than a ChartArea?
Series are associated with chart areas like so
Chart Chart0 = new Chart();
ChartArea ChartArea0 = new ChartArea("name");
Series Series0 = new Series();
// link series to area here
Series0.ChartArea = "name";