Multiple LineSeries Binding in OxyPlot

Sturm picture Sturm · Jun 19, 2013 · Viewed 10.8k times · Source

Is it possible to bind a plot to a collection of LineSeries instead of a single LineSeries in OxyPlot? (and not through the Model).

I'm looking for something like this:

        <oxy:LineSeries ItemsSource="{Binding myCollectionOfLineSeries}" />              

Where myCollectionOfLineSeries is:

private ObservableCollection<LineSeries> _myCollectionOfLineSeries ;
        public ObservableCollection<LineSeries> myCollectionOfLineSeries 
                return _myCollectionOfLineSeries ;
                _myCollectionOfLineSeries = value;
                OnPropertyChanged("myCollectionOfLineSeries ");


I expect as answer: a) "No, it's impossible" or b) "Yes, just put XYZ before IJK".

Thanks for reading.


Karl Cheng picture Karl Cheng · Mar 6, 2014

It may be a bit late, but recently I have the same question: I need to plot multiple series dynamically (several yield curves based on user selected currencies) but I don't want to directly bind the Plot using PlotModel, as other properties (e.g. Title) need to be set in my View Model as code instead of XAML markup.

So I defined the PlotModel as resource, binding it to the Plot. And look up the PlotModel when the view is loaded. By this approach, I can define visual stuffs (e.g. Title, Axes, Legend, etc) by XAML markup, while putting logic to generate series in my view model code.

Not sure if it's a good way, but it solves my problem.

1) XAML - define resource

        Title="XXX Curves (Preview)"
        Subtitle="Scroll mousewheel to zoom; Right-drag to pan"
        LegendBorder="{x:Static Member=oxyPlot:OxyColors.Black}"
                Title="Rate (%)" 
                MajorGridlineColor="{x:Static Member=oxyPlot:OxyColors.LightGray}"
                MinorGridlineColor="{x:Static Member=oxyPlot:OxyColors.LightGray}"
                Title="Maturity (Days)" 
                MajorGridlineColor="{x:Static Member=oxyPlot:OxyColors.LightGray}"

2) XAML - Plot

<oxy:Plot Grid.Row="1" Model="{Binding Source={StaticResource TestPlotModel}}">

3) View model - get the model from view but not binding

protected override void OnViewLoaded(object view)
    this._model = (PlotModel)((XXXView)view).FindResource("TestPlotModel");

4) View model - generate multiple series

foreach (var currency in distinctCurrencies)
    IEnumerable<DataPoint> dataPoints = ...;

    LineSeries lineSeries = new LineSeries()
        Title = String.Format("*{0}", currency),
        ItemsSource = dataPoints


hope it helps!