Alternatives to " " for creating strings containing multiple whitespace characters

Jamie Dixon picture Jamie Dixon · Nov 11, 2009 · Viewed 72.2k times · Source

I'm wondering if there's a more OO way of creating spaces in C#.

Literally Space Code!

I currently have tabs += new String(" "); and I can't help but feel that this is somewhat reminiscent of using "" instead of String.Empty.

What can I use to create spaces that isn't " "?


dtb picture dtb · Nov 11, 2009

You can write

" "

instead of

new String(' ')

Does that help?

Depending on what you do, you might want to look into the StringBuilder.Append overload that accepts a character and a 'repeat' count:

var tabs = new StringBuilder();
tabs.Append(' ', 8);

or into the string constructor that constructs a string from a character a 'repeat' count:

var tabs = new string(' ', 8);

Here's an enterprisey OO solution to satisfy all your space generation needs:

public abstract class SpaceFactory
    public static readonly SpaceFactory Space = new SpaceFactoryImpl();

    public static readonly SpaceFactory ZeroWidth = new ZeroWidthFactoryImpl();

    protected SpaceFactory { }

    public abstract char GetSpace();

    public virtual string GetSpaces(int count)
        return new string(this.GetSpace(), count);

    private class SpaceFactoryImpl : SpaceFactory
        public override char GetSpace()
            return '\u0020';

    private class ZeroWidthFactoryImpl : SpaceFactory
        public override char GetSpace()
            return '\u200B';