Excel reading in ASP.NET : Data not being read if column has different data formats

Shyju picture Shyju · Nov 9, 2009 · Viewed 13.5k times · Source

I have an asp.net C# application where i am reading the contents of a spreadsheet using OLEDBConnection. I am using the below line of code to read from the excel spreadsheet.

 OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection(@"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + fullFilePath + ";Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1'");

One of my column has data in various formats like strings,numbers,date etc in various rows.When running this ,When the data format is different,its not reading that value fromthe excel file. I searched in net a lot and found that we need to mention IMEX proprety in connection string.I added that,but no positive response !.

After surfine a lot, ifound that Any built-in Excel driver will query the first 8 rows of a sheet and then make a determination (without your permission or knowledge) as to what type of column it is, thereby ignoring anything that doesn’t meet this data type later in the sheet.


Is there anyway to get rid of this problem ?


havana59er picture havana59er · Dec 15, 2009

You are running into one of the many fun features of the JET engine. This one will basically sample all the data in each row for a single column and it will try to guess the data format. If you want your code to "just work" then there is a registry setting that will help with this. However be forewarned that this registry setting will affect how JET works with all imports on a system, not just your particular import.


This registry setting will tell JET to check the format of every row in a column before guessing a format. If it finds mixed content it will import the row as text.

By default JET tests the first 25 rows when type guessing.

Alternatively you can change TypeGuessRows to 1 and JET will check the first row only when type guessing. That means if the first row is a number and the second row is a string JET will assume all rows are numbers and you will not be able to read them using ADO.NET

Another caveat: Make sure you are careful when editing your registry. You can decimate your system very quickly if you do not use care.