My Model:
public class Product
public decimal Fineness { get; set; }
Seeding the Database:
new List<Product>
new Product { ..., Fineness = 0.757M, ... },
new Product { ..., Fineness = 0.674M, ... },
new Product { ..., Fineness = 0.475M, ... }
}.ForEach(p => context.Products.Add(p));
Querying the Database to test seeding:
var products = db.Products.ToList();
foreach (var p in products)
S.D.Debug.WriteLine("ProductList: {0}, {1}", p.Name, p.Fineness);
Console Output:
ProductList: Test Product, 0.75
ProductList: Test Product, 0.67
ProductList: Test Product, 0.47
Am I doing something really silly or something??? Everything is being truncated to 2 decimal places.
Solution - Thanks to Patrick:
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Entity<Product>().Property(x => x.Fineness).HasPrecision(10, 5);
So you have your standard entity models defined, here is product with id and decimal, along with anything else you require etc.
public class Product
public int Id { get; set; }
public decimal Fineness { get; set; }
So I've defined an initlizer, in which case the database will drop and re-create any seeded information I've provided, each time I run and execute my application, this will be called.
public class Initializer : DropCreateDatabaseAlways<Context>
protected override void Seed(Context context)
// note how I am specifying it here as 4 digits after the decimal point
// and for the second one, 3 digits
// this is where EF precision must be configured so you can expect
// the values you tell EF to save to the db
context.Products.Add(new Product() {Id = 1, Fineness = 145.2442m});
context.Products.Add(new Product() {Id = 2, Fineness = 12.341m});
public class Context : DbContext
public IDbSet<Product> Products { get; set; }
public Context()
// I always explicitly define how my EF should run, but this is not needed for the answer I am providing you
Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true;
Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = true;
Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = true;
Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = true;
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
// so here, I am override the model configuration which is what
// EF can use in order to set-up the behaviour of how everything
// is configured in the database, from associations between
// multiple entities and property validation, Null-able, Precision, required fields etc
modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new ProductConfiguration());
public class ProductConfiguration : EntityTypeConfiguration<Product>
public ProductConfiguration()
HasKey(x => x.Id).Property(x => x.Id).HasDatabaseGeneratedOption(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity);
// Enforces how the value is to be stored in the database
// Here you can see I set a scale of 3, that's 3 digits after
// the decimal. Notice how in my seed method, I gave a product 4 digits!
// That means it will NOT save the product with the other trailing digits.
Property(x => x.Fineness).HasPrecision(precision: 10, scale: 3);
With SQL Server Object Explorer, I can view my localdb Example product I made to see how EF configured my Database.
public class Tests
public void Test()
Database.SetInitializer(new Initializer());
using (var ctx = new Context())
// assert our findings that it is indeed not what we actually specified in the seed method, because of our Entity configuration with HasPrecision.
Product product1 = ctx.Products.Find(1);
Assert.AreEqual(145.244m, product1.Fineness);
Product product2 = ctx.Products.Find(2);
Assert.AreEqual(12.341m, product2.Fineness);
So we need to ensure the database knows how it should store our decimal value, by configuring our entity using the model builder configuration of the Entity Framework, by using the FluentApi
, we can setup property traits through the EntityTypeConfiguration<T>