How can I create a search functionality with partial view in mvc 4

Obsivus picture Obsivus · May 19, 2013 · Viewed 30.1k times · Source

I am using ASP.NET MVC 4 with entity framework model first.

In my "Masterpage.cshtml" I want to have a partial view which contains a textbox and a button.

The search is looking for the items title, if the text contains a items title it should display those items.

When a text is submitted the @renderbody() should show a view with the items.

My question is how can I do this in a good way? whats a good and easy approach?

So far I have done this:

Created a method in my repository that does the search function:

public List<News> Search(string query)

            var queryz =  db.News.Where(x => x.Title.Contains(query));
            return queryz.ToList();

Now when it comes to my Searchcontroller im kinda lost how to do this. Beacuse one actionresult need to be the partialview that has a string query parameter and other one that contains a view that will display the items?

What I have done right now is having the whole process in same actionresult:

 Repository rep = new Repository();
        public ActionResult Search(string query)
            var searchlist = rep.Search(query);

            var model = new ItemViewModel()
                NewsList = new List<NewsViewModel>()

            foreach (var NewsItems in searchlist)
                FillProductToModel(model, NewsItems);

            return View(model);

        private void FillProductToModel(ItemViewModel model, News news)
            var productViewModel = new NewsViewModel

                Description = news.Description,
                NewsId = news.Id,
                Title = news.Title,
                link = news.Link,
                Imageurl = news.Image,
                PubDate = news.Date,

any kind of help is appreciated alot!


MattSull picture MattSull · May 19, 2013

You could use the following approach:


Have one DIV that calls the search controller action, and another that'll display the results.

<div id="search-form">
    @Html.Action("Search", "Home");  // GET action in controller that displays form
<div id="search-results">


Create a partial view that'll contain the search form. You can use Ajax.BeginForm so when a user searches the results will be displayed in the search-results DIV in Index.cshtml by AJAX. UpdateTargetId specifies that we want to pass the results of the search to the search-results DIV.

@using (Ajax.BeginForm("Search", "Home", FormMethod.Post,
        new AjaxOptions
            InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
            HttpMethod = "POST",
            UpdateTargetId = "search-results"
    <input type="submit" value="Search" />


In your controller you'll need one action to display the form (partial view above) and another to process the search query and retun another partial view that'll display the results:

public ActionResult Search()
    return PartialView("_SearchFormPartial");

public ActionResult Search(string query)
    if(query != null)
            var searchlist = rep.Search(query);

            var model = new ItemViewModel()
                NewsList = new List<NewsViewModel>()

            return PartialView("_SearchResultsPartial", model);
        catch (Exception e)
            // handle exception
    return PartialView("Error");


This partial will display the results. It's strongly typed taking in an ItemViewModel.

@model Namespace.ViewModels.ItemViewModel
@if (Model.SearchResults.Count == 0)
    <h3 class="text-error">No items matched your search query!</h3>
    foreach (var result in Model.NewsList)
        // display search results