The data source does not support server-side data paging

ClareBear picture ClareBear · Nov 2, 2009 · Viewed 60.2k times · Source

I have a GridView on my screen and need it to allow paging.


<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" 
  AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="ObjectDataSource1">
    <asp:BoundField DataField="appID" HeaderText="appID" SortExpression="appID" />

<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ObjectDataSource1" runat="server" 
    <asp:Parameter Name="maximumRows" Type="Int32" />
    <asp:Parameter Name="startRowIndex" Type="Int32" />


ObjectDataSource1.SelectParameters["maximumRows"].DefaultValue = "10";
ObjectDataSource1.SelectParameters["startRowIndex"].DefaultValue = "0";

LINQ query:

public IQueryable<tblAppointment> GetBookingId(int maximumRows, int startRowIndex)
    var result = (FROM a IN dc.tblAppointments
                  SELECT a).Skip(startRowIndex).Take(maximumRows);

However I receive this error:

The data source does not support server-side data paging.

What am I doing wrong?


almog.ori picture almog.ori · Nov 2, 2009

A simple ToList() on your result var should work.

Edit: As explained in comments below my answer, the reason for the error is that the data source should implement ICollection. IEnumerable does not, when you do ToList() it converts it into a list which implements ICollection.