Are there any predefined methods in c# which allow for collision detection?
I am new to c# and am trying to get collision detection of two ellipses are there any predefined ways collision detection can be implemented?
I already have code which draws the ellipses, what would be a good way to start the collision detection?
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Remove the previous ellipse from the paint canvas.
if (--loopCounter == 0)
//Add the ellipse to the canvas
ellipse = CreateAnEllipse(20, 20);
Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse, rand.Next(0, 500));
Canvas.SetTop(ellipse, rand.Next(0, 310));
// Customize your ellipse in this method
public Ellipse CreateAnEllipse(int height, int width)
SolidColorBrush fillBrush = new SolidColorBrush() { Color = Colors.Yellow};
SolidColorBrush borderBrush = new SolidColorBrush() { Color = Colors.Black };
return new Ellipse()
Height = height,
Width = width,
StrokeThickness = 1,
Stroke = borderBrush,
Fill = fillBrush
this is the code to draw an ellipse which then gets removed and appears in another position.
I have tested this, it worked, at least for me
var x1 = Canvas.GetLeft(e1);
var y1 = Canvas.GetTop(e1);
Rect r1 = new Rect(x1, y1, e1.ActualWidth, e1.ActualHeight);
var x2 = Canvas.GetLeft(e2);
var y2 = Canvas.GetTop(e2);
Rect r2 = new Rect(x2, y2, e2.ActualWidth, e2.ActualHeight);
if (r1.IntersectsWith(r2))