I am trying to display a toastr message (info,error etc) after submitting a form using a button and update a gridview control (which is in a update panel" in asp.net webform. Thanks
You can do it using Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript
method. Example:
"toastr_message", "toastr.error('There was an error', 'Error')", true);
But I would probably create a method or extension method to handle that for me:
public static void ShowToastr(this Page page, string message, string title, string type = "info")
page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(page.GetType(), "toastr_message",
String.Format("toastr.{0}('{1}', '{2}');", type.ToLower(), message, title), addScriptTags: true);
ShowToastr(this.Page, "Hello world!", "Hello");
If you want something a little more robust, you could make the type
parameter an enum