This is a tic tac toe generator. Computer vs. Computer only, a little different than the usual Player vs. Computer. I have most of my code written for this, but the issue I am having is sometimes when I generate the game, the whole board fills up and there will be a line of X's and a line of O's and it will come up as a tie. Sometimes there is two lines of X's or two lines of O's generated, and the game doesn't stop after the first line with 3 in a row...any insights? Thank you.
namespace TicTacToe
public partial class Form1 : Form
private Random rn = new Random();
const int SIZE = 9;
char[] cell = new char[SIZE];
char firstPlayer = ' ', secondPlayer = ' ';
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Clear the labels and starting values
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
cell[i] = ' ';
label10.Text = "";
//Pick X or O to go first
switch (rn.Next(2))
case 0: firstPlayer = 'O'; secondPlayer = 'X'; break;
case 1: firstPlayer = 'X'; secondPlayer = 'O'; break;
//Get five non-repeating numbers from 0 to 8
int[] positions = new int[5];
positions[0] = rn.Next(9);
for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
int temp = rn.Next(9);
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
if (temp == positions[j])
positions[i] = temp;
//Set each position found to have first players letter
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
cell[positions[i]] = firstPlayer;
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
if (cell[i] != firstPlayer)
cell[i] = secondPlayer;
//Place cell values into the labels
label1.Text = cell[0].ToString();
label2.Text = cell[1].ToString();
label3.Text = cell[2].ToString();
label4.Text = cell[3].ToString();
label5.Text = cell[4].ToString();
label6.Text = cell[5].ToString();
label7.Text = cell[6].ToString();
label8.Text = cell[7].ToString();
label9.Text = cell[8].ToString();
//Check for a winner
case 'T' : label10.Text = "It's a tie!"; break;
case 'O' : label10.Text = "O Wins!"; break;
case 'X' : label10.Text = "X Wins!"; break;
default: label10.Text = "This will never appear"; break;
private char checkWinner()
//return either 'T' for tie, 'O' for O wins, and 'X' for X wins
char winner = ' ';
int winning_line = 0;
//check for a row win
if(cell[0].Equals(cell[1]) && cell[0].Equals(cell[2]))
winner = cell[0];
if (cell[3].Equals(cell[4]) && cell[3].Equals(cell[5]))
winner = cell[3];
if (cell[6].Equals(cell[7]) && cell[6].Equals(cell[8]))
winner = cell[6];
//check for column wins
if (cell[0].Equals(cell[3]) && cell[0].Equals(cell[6]))
winner = cell[0];
if (cell[1].Equals(cell[4]) && cell[1].Equals(cell[7]))
winner = cell[1];
if (cell[2].Equals(cell[5]) && cell[2].Equals(cell[8]))
winner = cell[2];
//check for diagonal winner
if (cell[0].Equals(cell[4]) && cell[0].Equals(cell[8]))
winner = cell[0];
if (cell[2].Equals(cell[4]) && cell[2].Equals(cell[8]))
winner = cell[2];
if (winning_line == 0 || winning_line > 1)
winner = 'T';
return winner;
public int i { get; set; }
if (winning_line == 0 || winning_line > 1)
If there are two lines, it will r port a tie. If you want to stop when a line is made, you needto check for a winner after each move, not after the entire board has been filled.