I'm building a C# application, using Git as my version control.
Is there a way to automatically embed the last commit hash in the executable when I build my application?
For example, printing the commit hash to console would look something like:
class PrintCommitHash
private String lastCommitHash = ?? // What do I put here?
static void Main(string[] args)
// Display the version number:
System.Console.WriteLine(lastCommitHash );
Note that this has to be done at build time, not runtime, as my deployed executable will not have the git repo accessible.
A related question for C++ can be found here.
Per @mattanja's request, I'm posting the git hook script I use in my projects. The setup:
As my linux-shelling a bit rusty, the script simply reads the first 23-lines of AssemblyInfo.cs to a temporary file, echos the git hash to the last line, and renames the file back to AssemblyInfo.cs. I'm sure there are better ways of doing this:
cmt=$(git rev-list --max-count=1 HEAD)
head -23 AssemblyInfo.cs > AssemblyInfo.cs.tmp
echo [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion\(\"$cmt\"\)] >> AssemblyInfo.cs.tmp
mv AssemblyInfo.cs.tmp AssemblyInfo.cs
Hope this helps.
You can embed a version.txt file into the executable and then read the version.txt out of the executable. To create the version.txt file, use git describe --long
Here are the steps:
Right-click on the project and select Properties
In Build Events, add Pre-Build event containing (notice the quotes):
"C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" describe --long > "$(ProjectDir)\version.txt"
That will create a version.txt file in your project directory.
Here's some sample code to read the embedded text file version string:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
namespace TryGitDescribe
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string gitVersion= String.Empty;
using (Stream stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
.GetManifestResourceStream("TryGitDescribe." + "version.txt"))
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
gitVersion= reader.ReadToEnd();
Console.WriteLine("Version: {0}", gitVersion);
Console.WriteLine("Hit any key to continue");