Creating Directories in a ZipArchive C# .Net 4.5

Meirion Hughes picture Meirion Hughes · Feb 28, 2013 · Viewed 37.2k times · Source

A ZipArchive is a collection of ZipArchiveEntries, and adding/removing "Entries" works nicely. But it appears there is no notion of directories / nested "Archives". In theory, the class is decoupled from a file system, in that you can create the archive completely in a memory stream. But if you wish to add a directory structure within the archive, you must prefix the entry name with a path.

Question: How would you go about extending ZipArchive to create a better interface for creating and managing directories?

For example, the current method of adding a file to a directory is to create the entry with the directory path:

var entry = _archive.CreateEntry("directory/entryname");

whereas something along these lines seems nicer to me:

var directory = _archive.CreateDirectoryEntry("directory");
var entry = _directory.CreateEntry("entryname");


Aimeast picture Aimeast · Sep 25, 2013

You can use something like the following, in other words, create the directory structure by hand:

using (var fs = new FileStream("", FileMode.Create))
using (var zip = new ZipArchive(fs, ZipArchiveMode.Create))
    zip.CreateEntry("12/3/"); // just end with "/"