i was doing some processor heavy task and every time i start executing that command my winform freezes than i cant even move it around until the task is completed. i used the same procedure from microsoft but nothing seem to be changed.
my working environment is visual studio 2012 with .net 4.5
private async void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Task<string> task = OCRengine();
rtTextArea.Text = await task;
private async Task<string> OCRengine()
using (TesseractEngine tess = new TesseractEngine(
"tessdata", "dic", EngineMode.TesseractOnly))
Page p = tess.Process(Pix.LoadFromFile(files[0]));
return p.GetText();
Yes, you're still doing all the work on the UI thread. Using async
isn't going to automatically offload the work onto different threads. You could do this though:
private async void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string file = files[0];
Task<string> task = Task.Run(() => ProcessFile(file));
rtTextArea.Text = await task;
private string ProcessFile(string file)
using (TesseractEngine tess = new TesseractEngine("tessdata", "dic",
Page p = tess.Process(Pix.LoadFromFile(file));
return p.GetText();
The use of Task.Run
will mean that ProcessFile
(the heavy piece of work) is executed on a different thread.