I want to build a new custom control. I found few tutorials that gave me some clue of how to achieve this. As I understand it, creating a new custom control is always done by extending a current one, and it is even possible to extend a control from the very basic levels of the hierarchy, in example, you can even extend:
As written in the following tutorial: http://wpftutorial.net/HowToCreateACustomControl.html
So, I followed the tutorial and created a new project of type Custom Control Library, got my generic .xaml and my code behind. So far so good.
There are 3 types or categories of events I can distinguish between.
Events that are consumable by the window (or container) that will use my control: those are the events I would like to expose to the outside. How to write those?
Events that are related to the control itself and not being exposed outside; for example, if the mouse is over my control and I would like to react to that. I can do that in the XAML:
<Trigger Property="IsMouseOver" Value="true">
<Setter Property="Fill" TargetName="LeftTraingularIndicator">
<SolidColorBrush Color="Yellow" />
Assuming of couse I have an element with the fill property in my ControlTemplate which is named x:name="LeftTraingularIndicator"
Now I want to react in my XAML to IsMouseDown. How do I do that? There is no "IsMouseDown" Trigger. Furthermore what if I want to react to that in the code behind? And even further what if I want to change LeftTraingularIndicator "Fill" from the code behind?
I am attempting for 2 days now... feeling I am missing something in my understanding of how things work. Didn't find any tutorial that deeply explains those questions.
I would like to see a few lines of example for each of the questions I surfaced here.
After extensive research...
1) Exposing events to the outside... Simply as if you were exposing from any other class.
public delegate void myDelegate(int someValue);
public event myDelegate myEvent;
and somewhere in your code:
Nothing new in that part.
2) From the code behind create an instance constructor
public MyCustomControl()
MouseMove += MyCustomControl_MouseMove;
void MyCustomControl_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
//now you can react to the movement of the mouse.
//if for example I want to address an element, let's say a rectangle:
var ele = (Rectangle)Template.FindName("myRect",this);
// provided that we have an element named "myRect" (x:name="myRect") in
// the generic.xaml style->Control Template-> which corresponds to that name.
3) Not recommended - as it belong to the scope of user-controls and not custom controls. Custom controls are the "atoms", user controls are more suitable to the purpose of combining controls.
But not impossible...
var myButton = (Button)Template.FindName("myButton",this);
myButton.OnMouseMove += ....
Just keep in mind that:
Anything that should be known in the code-behind must be named.
Your xaml should have no knowledge of what the code behind do. (except! - keep reading)
Parts that should be known in the code-behind must have the correct name when you design your XAML.
I truly hope this will help others who get a "wall" when trying to develop their own custom-controls.