I have been trying to find some things online about how to make your own visualizer that responds to sound, But so far I only could find tutorials for on a mac.
I also found some premade visualizer but prefer not to spend 50$ on a asset for it theasset
I was wondering of somebody could maybe tell me how to basicly code a particle system to respond to sound interactions such as certain frequency's
I've found a nice tutorial here: http://www.41post.com/4776/programming/unity-making-a-simple-audio-visualization. It is able to get different frequencies from the sounds and do something accordingly. You can try and change the variables of the particle with it.
Another thing I found is a project which analyses the spectrum of sound. You can download it here.
I also found this tutorial which generates a level based on the sound.
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Try them out and let us know what you thought of them and if they helped! Good luck.