I realize i have to sort the collection where the ListView gathers the items from:
ListView listCollection = new ListView();
But this doesn't seem to work unless the ListView is added as a GUI-control to the form, that in turn makes it very slow to add items to, hence why i have to use VirtualMode on my GUI-ListView in the first place.
Anyone know how to go about this or point me in the right direction?
basically, you will need to apply sort to the data pump itself.
I did a quick search on Google for listview sort virtualmode. First result was this page, where the above quote was taken from.
For example, if your datasource is a DataView, apply sorting on this instead of the ListView.
If it is just a question of performance when adding items, I would do as barism suggests; use BeginUpdate/EndUpdate instead of VirtualMode.
try {
// add items
finally {