I am trying to write a local program management and install system for my home network, and I think I've got the technologies nailed down:
However I'm unsure what specifically I'll use to connect C# to the database. Is there something built into the .NET framework for this? Bonus points if you have a suggestion on what I should use for interacting with said database.
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I'm sure there's plenty more out there - just google for "ADO.NET" and "Tutorial" ......
If you want to connect to your local SQL Server Express, and connect to the "Northwind" database, and read the top 5 customers from the "Customers" table, you'd have to do something like this:
string connectionString = "server=(local)\SQLExpress;database=Northwind;integrated Security=SSPI;";
using(SqlConnection _con = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
string queryStatement = "SELECT TOP 5 * FROM dbo.Customers ORDER BY CustomerID";
using(SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand(queryStatement, _con))
DataTable customerTable = new DataTable("Top5Customers");
SqlDataAdapter _dap = new SqlDataAdapter(_cmd);
Now you would have all 5 top customers from your Northwind database in the DataTable and you can inspect them, print them out, manipulate them - whatever you want to do.
That's ADO.NET in action!
As for the details of the connection string - what options you can use and what it should look like, check out the Connection Strings web site - it has tons of examples and explanations.