How to create XML sitemap programmatically in c#

Soumita Parui picture Soumita Parui · Nov 19, 2012 · Viewed 19.2k times · Source

I am building an website. Now I want to create its xml site map like google site map. But I want to create it programmatically using C#.

Can anybody tell me how I can access the root directory on the web server using base url of my website get all the pages list into a string list?


tahsin ilhan picture tahsin ilhan · Feb 10, 2014

come easy

private void GenerateXML()
            string fileName         = "sitemap.xml";

            string DOMAIN           = "";
            string LAST_MODIFY= String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", DateTime.Now);
            string CHANGE_FREQ      = "monthly";
            string TOP_PRIORITY     = "0.5";
            string MEDIUM_PRIORITY  = "0.8";

            XNamespace ns    = "";
            XNamespace xsiNs = "";

            //XDocument Start
            XDocument xDoc = new XDocument(
                new XDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", "no"),
                new XElement(ns + "urlset",
                new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "xsi", xsiNs),
                new XAttribute(xsiNs + "schemaLocation",
                new XElement(ns + "url",

                    //Root Element
                    new XElement(ns + "loc",        DOMAIN),
                    new XElement(ns + "lastmod",    LAST_MODIFY),
                    new XElement(ns + "changefreq", "weekly"),
                    new XElement(ns + "priority",   TOP_PRIORITY)),

                    //Level0 Menu
                    from level0 in GetParentCMSMenu()
                        select new XElement(ns + "url",
                            new XElement(ns + "loc", String.Concat(DOMAIN, WebsiteHelpers.GetMenuRouteURL(Util.Parse<string>(level0.MENU_ALLIAS), Util.Parse<string>((level0.Level1 == null) ? string.Empty : level0.Level1), Util.Parse<int>(level0.APPLICATION_ID)))),
                            new XElement(ns + "lastmod",    LAST_MODIFY),
                            new XElement(ns + "changefreq", CHANGE_FREQ),
                            new XElement(ns + "priority",   MEDIUM_PRIORITY)

                    //Level1 Menu
                    from level0 in GetParentCMSMenu()
                       from level1 in GetLevel1Menu(Util.Parse<int>(level0.MENU_ID))
                            select new XElement(ns + "url",
                                new XElement(ns + "loc", String.Concat(DOMAIN, WebsiteHelpers.GetMenuRouteURL(Util.Parse<string>(level1.Level1), Util.Parse<string>((level1.MENU_ALLIAS == null) ? string.Empty : level1.MENU_ALLIAS), Util.Parse<int>(level1.APPLICATION_ID)))),
                                new XElement(ns + "lastmod",    LAST_MODIFY),
                                new XElement(ns + "changefreq", CHANGE_FREQ),
                                new XElement(ns + "priority",   MEDIUM_PRIORITY)

                    //Level2 Menu
                    from level0 in GetParentCMSMenu()
                        from level1 in GetLevel1Menu(Util.Parse<int>(level0.MENU_ID))
                            from level2 in GetLevel2Menu(Util.Parse<int>(level1.MENU_ID))
                                select new
                                    XElement(ns + "url",
                                    new XElement(ns + "loc", String.Concat(DOMAIN, WebsiteHelpers.GetMenuRouteURL(Util.Parse<string>(level2.Menu), Util.Parse<string>(level2.Level1), Util.Parse<int>(level2.AppID), Util.Parse<string>(level2.Level2)))),
                                    new XElement(ns + "lastmod", LAST_MODIFY),
                                    new XElement(ns + "changefreq", CHANGE_FREQ),
                                    new XElement(ns + "priority", MEDIUM_PRIORITY)

            //XDocument End

            xDoc.Save(Server.MapPath("~/") + fileName);

            this.MessageHolder.Visible = true;
            this.MessageHolder.Attributes.Add("class", "success");
            this.MessageHolder.InnerHtml = "Sitemap.xml created successfully";

        catch (Exception ex)
            this.MessageHolder.Visible = true;
            this.MessageHolder.Attributes.Add("class", "error");
            this.MessageHolder.InnerHtml = Constants.ERROR_LONG_MESSAGE + "<br/>" + ex.ToString();

is an excerpt from page :) Page