how to add publishing profile to a new sln in vs2012?

Elad Benda picture Elad Benda · Nov 18, 2012 · Viewed 27.6k times · Source

I have read the publishing profiles have replaced WDP

but I cannot find decent tutorial

how to add and modify pubxml file to my project

any help will be appreciated


StockBreak picture StockBreak · Sep 16, 2013

In order to create a new profile once you have already defined one, you have to open the "Publish" window (righ click on the project), click on the "Profile" tab and select the <New...> option from the drop-down list; this will create a new pubxml file (see screenshot).
It's a bit tricky to find and I wonder why they didn't put a "New" button on the "Manage profiles" window.

enter image description here