Closing a kendoui window with custom Close button within the window

Null Reference picture Null Reference · Nov 13, 2012 · Viewed 41.5k times · Source

I'm using Kendo UI's window component, which is similar to any modal dialog.

I have a close button in it, how do I close the window upon clicking that button (instead of clicking the default 'x' button in the title bar)

The content in my window is loaded from another view

           .LoadContentFrom("Create", "RolesPermissions", Model.Role)

In that same view, I have

<span id="close" class="btn btn-inverse">Cancel</span>

This is what I have in my main view (the view calling the window)

$(document).ready(function () {
    var window = $("#window").data("kendoWindow");

    $("#open").click(function (e) {;;

    $("#close").click(function(e) {


Petur Subev picture Petur Subev · Nov 13, 2012

Basically you already know how to close the window - you need to do it with the close method of its API.


But in order to attach the handler to the button inside of the view you need to wait until the content is loaded - you need to use the refresh event.


    var win = this;