How to check if DateTime.Now is between two given DateTimes for time part only?

Niels picture Niels · Oct 21, 2012 · Viewed 85.9k times · Source

For my app I need to know if Now() is between two values.

The user can set a start- and an end-time so he will not disturbed by a notification (during the night for example).

So if have got two TimePickers (start- and end-time) that the user can set.

Lets say the user sets 22:00 for the StartTime and 07:00 for the EndTime (this would cover the night).

How can I check if the DateTime.Now is between the selected Start and End time?

EDIT: I only want this to work with the Hour and minutes part. So if the user sets the Start and End time this should work for every night.


Gabe picture Gabe · Oct 21, 2012

First you need to convert everything to the same units (we'll use TimeSpan), then you need to see whether the start-end times cross midnight, and finally do your comparison based on the results of that check:

// convert everything to TimeSpan
TimeSpan start = new TimeSpan(22, 0, 0);
TimeSpan end = new TimeSpan(07, 0, 0);
TimeSpan now = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay;
// see if start comes before end
if (start < end)
    return start <= now && now <= end;
// start is after end, so do the inverse comparison
return !(end < now && now < start);

Here's a function to do it for you:

bool TimeBetween(DateTime datetime, TimeSpan start, TimeSpan end)
    // convert datetime to a TimeSpan
    TimeSpan now = datetime.TimeOfDay;
    // see if start comes before end
    if (start < end)
        return start <= now && now <= end;
    // start is after end, so do the inverse comparison
    return !(end < now && now < start);

You would call it like:

bool silenceAlarm = TimeBetween(DateTime.Now, StartTime.Value, EndTime.Value);