Converting to Hex color code

Mini-Con picture Mini-Con · Aug 28, 2012 · Viewed 10.6k times · Source

In my Windows phone7 application I placed a canvas and have set its background color to some hex color code.Now I am not able get the hex color code value through c# code.I used the below code but it give the color value in help me with an answer?

clr = Convert.ToString(clr1.Background);


Jonas Elfström picture Jonas Elfström · Aug 28, 2012

It seems it returns a Brush and since you've set a color it should return a SolidColorBrush. Try this

var color = ((SolidColorBrush)clr1.Background).Color.ToString();


var color = new Color() {R = 0xF0, G = 0x10, B = 0x80};
var brush = new SolidColorBrush(color);
var hexcolor = brush.Color.ToString();

hexcolor equals "#00F01080"