I tried wkhtmltopdf which worked perfectly... But on the server I cant start a process so my solution would be this: https://github.com/gmanny/Pechkin
But I have no idea how to implement it in my project... Are there any samples I can just open and run?
I had a look at this example:
byte[] pdfBuf = new SimplePechkin(new GlobalConfig()).Convert("<html><body><h1>Hello world!</h1></body></html>");
// create global configuration object
GlobalConfig gc = new GlobalConfig();
// set it up using fluent notation
gc.SetMargins(new Margins(300, 100, 150, 100))
.SetDocumentTitle("Test document")
//... etc
// create converter
IPechkin pechkin = new SynchronizedPechkin(gc);
// subscribe to events
pechkin.Begin += OnBegin;
pechkin.Error += OnError;
pechkin.Warning += OnWarning;
pechkin.PhaseChanged += OnPhase;
pechkin.ProgressChanged += OnProgress;
pechkin.Finished += OnFinished;
// create document configuration object
ObjectConfig oc = new ObjectConfig();
// and set it up using fluent notation too
//... etc
// convert document
byte[] pdfBuf = pechkin.Convert(oc);
But I didn't make it work... It looks so easy but no idea how to implement it... But I see Gman has worked with it.
Thank you in advance... :)
Here is the simplest example I could think of which also writes the output to a file.
byte[] pdfBuf = new SimplePechkin(new GlobalConfig()).Convert(html);
File.WriteAllBytes(path, pdfBuf);