Excel found unreadable content in *.xlsx

Kobojunkie picture Kobojunkie · Jul 29, 2012 · Viewed 15k times · Source

I am working on generating an excel template from code. When I run the piece to create my WorkBook, I get no errors in code, however when I go to open the Excel document, I get an error indicating that the file is unreadable. I am able to click to open it anyway, and I get the following message

Removed Records: Worksheet properties from /xl/workbook.xml part (Workbook)

Any idea what might be wrong in my code please?

public void CreatePackage()
    using (SpreadsheetDocument package = SpreadsheetDocument.Create(FilePath, SpreadsheetDocumentType.Workbook))
private void CreateParts(SpreadsheetDocument document)
    ExcelWorkBook excelworkbook = new ExcelWorkBook();
    ExcelSheetHelper excelworksheet = new ExcelSheetHelper();
    ExcelSharedStringsTable excelsharedtable = new ExcelSharedStringsTable();
    ExcelWorkSheetPartBuilder excelworksheetbuilder = new ExcelWorkSheetPartBuilder();
    ExtendedFilePropertiesPart extendedFilePropertiesPart1 = document.AddNewPart<ExtendedFilePropertiesPart>("rId3");

    WorkbookPart workbookPart1 = document.AddWorkbookPart();

    WorkbookStylesPart workbookStylesPart1 = workbookPart1.AddNewPart<WorkbookStylesPart>("rId5");


public void GenerateWorkbookPartContent(WorkbookPart workbookPart1)
    Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
    workbook.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", rNameSpace);
    FileVersion fileVersion1 = GenerateFileVersion();
    WorkbookProperties workbookProperties1 = GenerateWorkbookProperties();

    BookViews bookViews1 = GenerateBookViews();

    Sheets sheets1 = GenerateSheets();

    DefinedNames definedNames1 = GenerateDefinedNames();

    CalculationProperties calculationProperties1 = GenerateCalculationProperties();

    CustomWorkbookViews customWorkbookViews1 = GenerateCustomWorkbookViews();


    workbookPart1.Workbook = workbook;

// Creates an FileVersion instance and adds its children.
public FileVersion GenerateFileVersion()
    FileVersion fileVersion1 = new FileVersion() { ApplicationName = "xl", LastEdited = "5", LowestEdited = "5", BuildVersion = "9303" };
    return fileVersion1;

// Creates an WorkbookProperties instance and adds its children.
public WorkbookProperties GenerateWorkbookProperties()
    WorkbookProperties workbookProperties1 = new WorkbookProperties() { HidePivotFieldList = true };
    return workbookProperties1;

// Creates an BookViews instance and adds its children.
public BookViews GenerateBookViews()
    BookViews bookViews1 = new BookViews();
    WorkbookView workbookView1 = new WorkbookView() { XWindow = -75, YWindow = 270, WindowWidth = (UInt32Value)15435U, WindowHeight = (UInt32Value)6930U };

    return bookViews1;

// Creates an Sheets instance and adds its children.
public Sheets GenerateSheets()
    Sheets sheets1 = new Sheets();
    Sheet sheet1 = new Sheet() { Name = String.Format("{0}", worksheetname), SheetId = (UInt32Value)8U, Id = "rId1" };

    return sheets1;

// Creates an DefinedNames instance and adds its children.
public DefinedNames GenerateDefinedNames()
    DefinedNames definedNames1 = new DefinedNames();
    DefinedName definedName1 = new DefinedName() { Name = "_xlnm._FilterDatabase", LocalSheetId = (UInt32Value)0U, Hidden = true };
    definedName1.Text = String.Format("\'{0}\'!$A$6:$EO$1269", worksheetname);
    DefinedName definedName2 = new DefinedName() { Name = "Z_32BE30F1_B609_44A0_A38A_666CEFFB64E2_.wvu.Cols", LocalSheetId = (UInt32Value)0U, Hidden = true };
    definedName2.Text = String.Format("\'{0}\'!#REF!", worksheetname);
    DefinedName definedName3 = new DefinedName() { Name = "Z_32BE30F1_B609_44A0_A38A_666CEFFB64E2_.wvu.FilterData", LocalSheetId = (UInt32Value)0U, Hidden = true };
    definedName3.Text = String.Format("\'{0}\'!#REF!", worksheetname);
    DefinedName definedName4 = new DefinedName() { Name = "Z_5098B70B_692A_450A_8DAE_5172C296966E_.wvu.FilterData", LocalSheetId = (UInt32Value)0U, Hidden = true };
    definedName4.Text = String.Format("\'{0}\'!#REF!", worksheetname);
    DefinedName definedName5 = new DefinedName() { Name = "Z_7C00A233_927A_41FE_802C_48F5F9E9D5B6_.wvu.FilterData", LocalSheetId = (UInt32Value)0U, Hidden = true };
    definedName5.Text = String.Format("\'{0}\'!#REF!",worksheetname);
    DefinedName definedName6 = new DefinedName() { Name = "Z_AC112ED6_0017_40BF_884A_9B7959C37BF0_.wvu.FilterData", LocalSheetId = (UInt32Value)0U, Hidden = true };
    definedName6.Text = String.Format("\'{0}\'!#REF!", worksheetname);
    DefinedName definedName7 = new DefinedName() { Name = "Z_E444BF53_6DCE_4910_823C_F60AE88C96EE_.wvu.FilterData", LocalSheetId = (UInt32Value)0U, Hidden = true };
    definedName7.Text = String.Format("\'{0}\'!#REF!",worksheetname);

    return definedNames1;

// Creates an CalculationProperties instance and adds its children.
public CalculationProperties GenerateCalculationProperties()
    CalculationProperties calculationProperties1 = new CalculationProperties() { CalculationId = (UInt32Value)125725U };
    return calculationProperties1;

// Creates an CustomWorkbookViews instance and adds its children.
public CustomWorkbookViews GenerateCustomWorkbookViews()
    CustomWorkbookViews customWorkbookViews1 = new CustomWorkbookViews();
    CustomWorkbookView customWorkbookView1 = new CustomWorkbookView() { Name = "A - Personal View", Guid = "{5098B70B-692A-450A-8DAE-5172C296966E}", MergeInterval = (UInt32Value)0U, PersonalView = true, Maximized = true, XWindow = 1, YWindow = 1, WindowWidth = (UInt32Value)1366U, WindowHeight = (UInt32Value)494U, ActiveSheetId = (UInt32Value)3U };
    CustomWorkbookView customWorkbookView2 = new CustomWorkbookView() { Name = "B - Personal View", Guid = "{7C00A233-927A-41FE-802C-48F5F9E9D5B6}", MergeInterval = (UInt32Value)0U, PersonalView = true, Maximized = true, XWindow = 1, YWindow = 1, WindowWidth = (UInt32Value)1024U, WindowHeight = (UInt32Value)487U, ActiveSheetId = (UInt32Value)3U };
    CustomWorkbookView customWorkbookView3 = new CustomWorkbookView() { Name = "C - Personal View", Guid = "{32BE30F1-B609-44A0-A38A-666CEFFB64E2}", MergeInterval = (UInt32Value)0U, PersonalView = true, Maximized = true, XWindow = 1, YWindow = 1, WindowWidth = (UInt32Value)1280U, WindowHeight = (UInt32Value)481U, ActiveSheetId = (UInt32Value)3U };

    return customWorkbookViews1;

public void ValidateDocument()
        OpenXmlValidator validator = new OpenXmlValidator();
        int count = 0;
        IDictionary<String, String> ErrorLog = new Dictionary<String, String>();

        using (StreamWriter f = new StreamWriter("Errolog.txt"))
            foreach (ValidationErrorInfo error in validator.Validate(WordprocessingDocument.Open(FilePath, true)))
                f.WriteLine("Error " + count);
                f.WriteLine("Description: " + error.Description);
                f.WriteLine("Path: " + error.Path.XPath);
                f.WriteLine("Part: " + error.Part.Uri);

    catch (Exception ex)


Andr&#233; Pena picture André Pena · Oct 22, 2014

In my specific case, I was having this problem because of too long Worksheet names. This is what was happening to me:

  • On the first run of my program, I was trying to creating Worksheets with really big names.
  • Excel automatically cropped the big names to 31 characters. No exception was thrown. That is, I thought I was saving the original big name but I was actually saving the 31 characters long cropped string.
  • On the second run of my program, I was checking if this specific Worksheet existed already, but I thought it didn't exist because the existing one was cropped.
  • I was saving the Worksheet again. No exception thrown, but then, the new one was also cropped and now the XML contains 2 definitions of the same worksheet.
  • This causes Excel to attempt to repair the resulting Spreadsheet. Even though it works properly, I think it was simply throwing away the second one and using the first, which wasn't what I wanted.

I fixed the problem by cropping the 31 characters beforehand, before all the comparisons. Now it works perfectly