Converting Lookup<TKey, TElement> into other data structures c#

FSm picture FSm · Jul 8, 2012 · Viewed 10.7k times · Source

I have a

Lookup<TKey, TElement>

where the TElement refers to a string of words. I want to convert Lookup into:

Dictionary<int ,string []> or List<List<string>> ?

I have read some articles about using the

Lookup<TKey, TElement>

but it wasn't enough for me to understand. Thanks in advance.


Philip Daubmeier picture Philip Daubmeier · Jul 8, 2012

You can do that using these methods:

Lets say you have a Lookup<int, string> called mylookup with the strings containing several words, then you can put the IGrouping values into a string[] and pack the whole thing into a dictionary:

var mydict = mylookup.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToArray());


Having read your comment, I know what you actually want to do with your lookup (see the ops previous question). You dont have to convert it into a dictionary or list. Just use the lookup directly:

var wordlist = " aa bb cc ccc ddd ddd aa ";
var lookup = wordlist.Trim().Split().Distinct().ToLookup(word => word.Length);

foreach (var grouping in lookup.OrderBy(x => x.Key))
    // grouping.Key contains the word length of the group
    Console.WriteLine("Words with length {0}:", grouping.Key);

    foreach (var word in grouping.OrderBy(x => x))
        // do something with every word in the group

Also, if the order is important, you can always sort the IEnumerables via the OrderBy or OrderByDescending extension methods.


look at the edited code sample above: If you want to order the keys, just use the OrderBy method. The same way you could order the words alphabetically by using grouping.OrderBy(x => x).