Using TFS api to execute(pass/fail) test cases?

brandon picture brandon · Jul 4, 2012 · Viewed 8k times · Source

I am currently working on a program to execute test cases in a program, and I have looked at How to create a test run and result using the Team Foundation Server API? as well as various other articles and am still having lots of trouble. My goal is to locate a test case with a certain title and configuration, execute it and add notes if it failed. Here is just some code I have been messing around with

        String server = "";
        String project = "Project";
        // Connect to the TeamFoundationServer.
        Console.Write("Connecting to Team Foundation Server {0}...\n", server);

        TfsTeamProjectCollection projectCollection = TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory.GetTeamProjectCollection(new Uri(server));
        Console.WriteLine("getting project {0}...\n", project);

        ITestManagementTeamProject teamProject = projectCollection.GetService<ITestManagementService>().GetTeamProject(project);

        Console.WriteLine("Success!\nGetting test cases...\n\n");
        IEnumerable<ITestCase> testCases = teamProject.TestCases.Query("SELECT [Title] FROM WorkItems WHERE State = 'Ready' AND Title CONTAINS 'Phase 1: test case title'");
        foreach (ITestCase t in testCases)
        ITestSuiteCollection suites = teamProject.TestSuites.Query("SELECT * FROM TestSuite");

        ITestConfigurationCollection configs = teamProject.TestConfigurations.Query("Select * FROM TestConfiguration WHERE Name='Mainline Android Phone 2.3'");
        ITestConfiguration config = configs[0];

        ITestPlan plan = teamProject.TestPlans.Create();
        plan.Name = "herpa derp";

        ITestSuiteBase suite = teamProject.TestSuites.Find(606);

        plan.RootSuite.Entries.Add(suite);//Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


        ITestRun run = plan.CreateTestRun(false);

        ITestPointCollection points = plan.QueryTestPoints("SELECT * FROM TestPoint");
        foreach (ITestPoint p in points)
            run.AddTestPoint(p, null);
        ITestCaseResult result = run.QueryResults()[0];
        result.Outcome = TestOutcome.Passed;

        //wait dood

plan.RootSuite.Entries.Add(suite); that is the line where I get the error "nullreferenceexception was unhandled" it's the suite, but the object looks fine. Please let me know if you can help :)


ceptno picture ceptno · Jul 4, 2012

It looks like you might not have proper access to the teamProject in order to view all fields required to pass it to the plan.