So far I know that FileSystemWatcher can look into a folder and if any of the files inside that folder is changed,modifies,.etc... then we can handle it. But I am not sure which filter and event I should use in my scenario: Watch for a Folder, If a file is added to that folder, do XYZ ... So In my scenario I don't care if an existing file is changed,etc..those should be ignored...only do XYZ if and only if a new file has been added to that Folder...
Which event and filter do you recommended for this scenario?
Set up the watcher:
FileSystemWatcher watcher = new FileSystemWatcher();
watcher.Path = "Blah";
watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastAccess | NotifyFilters.LastWrite
| NotifyFilters.FileName;
watcher.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnChanged);
watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
Then implement the FileCreated
private void OnChanged(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e) {
Console.WriteLine("File: " + e.FullPath + " " + e.ChangeType);